
  • An implant is a metal titanium body that is placed within the bone structure of the oral cavity. It acts as a substitute for the tooth “root.” Like a natural tooth root, it is embedded within the bones of the oral cavity. Often, when dentists or patients talk about an implant, they are referring to the implant itself, the abutment that is placed on top of the implant, and also the tooth “cap” or dental crown that is placed on top of the abutment. However, in technical terms, an implant refers only to the metal titanium body. Later, after healing, the false tooth will be screwed or cemented onto the implant to mimic a natural tooth.

  • Implants are needed to replace a missing tooth. Currently, implants are one of the best methods to replace a missing tooth. It is important to replace a missing tooth not only for function (chewing, speaking) and aesthetics, but also to minimize harm to the other teeth. Often, when patients are missing teeth, the remaining teeth bear more weight which can lead to detrimental effects on those teeth. Also, teeth tend to migrate towards other teeth. Therefore, when there is a missing tooth, the opposing tooth or the adjacent tooth begin to shift, which disrupts the patient’s normal bite. This can be long lasting and lead to uncomfortable results.

  • An implant can last a lifetime if properly taken care of. Many research papers show that implants have a 80-85% success rate. But this heavily depends on outside factors such as maintenance, overall health, and continuous dental cleanings. It is wrong to assume that implants do not need to be cleaned since they are not natural teeth. In fact, implants require better care and concern than natural teeth. Smoking has shown clear detrimental effects to the success of an implant. Other than smoking, lack of care and maintenance can lead to inflammation and implant failure. One of the most common reasons for implant failure is inflammation, called implantitis, which is due to plaque and calculus accumulation.

  • A regular dental visit is very important. At a dental visit, dentists can remove harmful plaque and calculus that is not possible to do at home with a toothbrush. At home, patients are advised to brush gently and floss regularly. Patients should use an interproxy brush when possible. An interproxy brush is a thin Christmas tree shaped brush that goes in between the teeth. It can help clean the implant area near the gum line. Using a waterpik can also help keep the implant area free of unwanted food particles and plaque accumulation.

  • The implant surgery itself can range from around $1000-$6000, depending on the size and location of the implant. Again, this does not include the abutment that is needed for the crown or the implant crown itself. Often there is a special 3D imaging that is needed for the implant placement, which is also a separate cost.

    Here at Mission Dental, we aim to provide a clear understanding of the process of an implant procedure and the cost of every appointment. After the in depth consultation with our dentists, patients can expect to know the next steps and the total cost. At Mission Dental, we carry state of the art 3D imaging equipment that can precisely measure the width, density, and health of the bones in the oral cavity. This helps us understand what type and size of implant is necessary for that specific patient. Therefore, costs cannot be determined without a consultation with our dentists.

Implant Surgery

  • A bone graft is a procedure that adds volume and/or density to bone. It is like a bone transplant. There are many different types of bone grafts, depending on where the bone transplant is harvested from. A bone graft can be made from natural or artificial materials. Depending on the case, the dentist will decide what is best for the patient. Some bone grafts are harvested from the patient’s own body.

  • After an extraction, there is often loss of bone. To prevent loss of desired bone in that area, a bone graft may be recommended after an extraction. Also, if there is an area that was missing a tooth for a long time, there is often bone loss in that area. Bone grafts may be necessary before implant surgery, since implants are placed within the bone. Without adequate bone, implants may be impossible. Before implant placement, a 3D image is taken to measure the volume, density, and height of bone. This will determine if the patient needs a bone graft or not.

  • This heavily depends on the type of bone graft and the location of its placement. A simple bone graft can range from $300-$1000. However, if multiple surgeries are needed, the cost will increase accordingly.

  • The length of healing depends on the site and type of bone graft. It can be as short as 3 months or as long as 8 months. It is advised to talk to your dentist about your case.

  • To ensure the best healing, there are some universal precautions that are recommended. The surgical site should be kept clean as much as possible. Patients should not smoke after the procedure. There are some medications to watch out for. All of these details and more will be discussed. It is important to remember that a bone graft is a surgical procedure that will necessitate precautions and care before and after the surgery. The dentist will give specific instructions about post operative care after the treatment. If there are special precautions that must be taken before the graft, the dentist will communicate those precautions during the consultation appointment.

Bone Grafting

  • A sinus lift is a surgical procedure that aims to increase the amount of available bone in the upper jaw. The sinus can be viewed on x-rays. A 3D image is not necessary but can be helpful in viewing the sinuses.

  • A sinus lift may be necessary depending on the patient’s facial anatomy. In other words, patients who have a low hanging sinus, a larger sinus, or thin bone may need a sinus lift before implant surgery. Otherwise, the implant would perforate into the sinus. After this, a bone graft is placed to increase the height, width, and depth of the bone in that area.

  • A sinus lift is a complicated surgery that costs around $4,000-$6,000 depending on the complexity.

Sinus Lift