Teeth Extractions

  • A simple extraction is the removal of a tooth that has erupted. In other words, the tooth crown is fully visible. There is no need for cutting the gum or bone to remove the tooth. Some reasons a tooth that is fully erupted is removed is because of large decay, fracture, or to create space in the jaw for orthodontics.

    Edited by Dr. Debora Oct. 2023

  • The area is anesthetized before the removal of the tooth. There should be no sharp pain experienced during the procedure. The patient may experience pressure. Pressure is when you can feel “pushing” but it should not be painful. Afterwards, patients often experience pain while the site is healing. They will be prescribed pain medication to take as needed.

    Edited by Dr. Debora Oct. 2023

  • A simple extraction can range from $100-$200.

    Edited by Dr. Debora Oct. 2023

  • You can expect to first receive numbing, both topical and local in the area of the extraction. Depending on the strength of the tooth roots, the tooth may come out quickly or take more effort. Some teeth that are severely decayed or previously treated with a root canal may come out in smaller pieces because of the dry, brittle nature of those teeth. Otherwise, the tooth can come out in one whole piece. Patients will be asked to bite down on gauze to stop bleeding. Instructions for care will be given after the treatment. For example, no smoking, no drinking alcohol, no spitting, and no drinking from a straw. Often, patients will receive a prescription for pain medication and antibiotics.

    Edited by Dr. Debora Oct. 2023

Simple Extractions

  • A wisdom tooth is the third molar. It is the last tooth to develop and erupt in the mouth. Many people notice their wisdom teeth growing as older teens or young adults. Some people never develop wisdom teeth.

    Edited by Dr. Debora Oct 2023

  • Not all wisdom teeth need to be removed. If your wisdom tooth is growing out in a way that is disrupting your other teeth, the dentist will recommend you to get the tooth removed. Often, wisdom teeth can lead to inflammation or infection. Also, it is difficult to maintain for most patients so they are more susceptible to cavities. These are some of the reasons your dentist may recommend this treatment.

    Edited by Dr. Debora Oct 2023

  • Removing wisdom teeth is often an uncomfortable experience. It is not possible without proper anesthetics. During the procedure, patients will be numb and should not experience sharp pain. Afterwards, patients will be prescribed pain medication to manage the pain. Healing for a wisdom tooth extraction often takes longer than healing for a simple extraction. This is also the reason that pain may linger longer than simple extraction.

    Edited by Dr. Debora Oct. 2023

  • A wisdom tooth extraction is around $300-$700 per tooth. Each tooth may be different, since the eruption pattern is specific to each individual tooth.

    Edited by Dr. Debora Oct. 2023

Wisdom Teeth Extractions